Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September 28 - Marina to Acton, CA

Barb - OK - time to head east - sort of! We spent most of today on I-5 headed south toward Los Angeles. I-5 in central to southern California, if you haven't traveled it, runs through the San Joaquin agricultural valley. It's flat, dry, and filled with numerous crops - mostly nut trees are visible from the interstate. When we approached the area north of Santa Clarita, CA, we did find some more interesting driving for Ed - the Tejon Pass. He was in the company of many trucks driving slowly both up and down the pass. We located the KOA in the Soledad Canyon. I'm glad we were on the right road but wondered about it a time or two! I don't try to make direction mistakes when planning for 60 feet (RV plus car attached) going down the road - or up the canyon! We connected with Ed's brother Tom and his wife Jo, who live in Simi Valley, for a nice Mexican dinner in Acton. I felt like we were really "out in the boonies" until the commuter train servicing metro L.A. ran on the mountainside across from our campsite!

Ed - The RV runs at least as well as I had hoped on the freeway. I set the cruise control at 55 mph (Cal law) and headed south. Of course I was the only one going 55 but what the heck, the cops were out. We must have seen at least one highway patrolman every 50 miles if not more often. When we finally made it to the "hills" an hour out of L.A., I only needed to worry about being hit by a speeding bike while going up the mountains. You really can get there by going 25 mph. I now know how the early settlers felt in their covered wagons. I learned when visiting with my brother Tom that he also has purchased a metal detector! (Photo above) He's done a lot more time on his than I have - he has more beaches at his disposal!

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